Brief Study on Capitalism showing how industrialisation and the means of production have been developed and controlled within certain spheres of political and social ideologies, namely: Socialism, Communism, Fascism, and Nazism. It is becoming understood that these ideologies originate from a single financial elite source. This information is fundamental to understanding world finance and politics. Length: 09:23.
[Higher quality videos may be available soon - Nevertheless, well worth watching!!]
Since the early 1920s unsubstantiated reports have circulated to the effect that not only all German industrialists, but also Wall Street financiers, had some role — possibly a substantial role — in the rise of Hitler and Naziism. This book presents previously unpublished evidence, a great deal from files of the Nuremburg Military Tribunals, to support this hypothesis. However, the full impact and suggestiveness of the evidence cannot be found from reading this volume alone. Two previous books in this series, Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution1 and Wall Street and FDR,2 described the roles of the same firms, and often the same individuals and their fellow directors, hard at work manipulating and assisting the Bolshevik revolution in Russia in 1917, backing Franklin D. Roosevelt for President in the United States in 1933, as well as aiding the rise of Hitler in pre-war Germany. in brief, this book is part of a more extensive study of the rise of modern socialism and the corporate socialists.
This politically active Wall Street group is more or less the same elitist circle known generally among Conservatives as the "Liberal Establishment," by liberals (for instance G. William Domhoff) as "the ruling class,"3 and by conspiratorial theorists Gary Allen4 and Dan Smoot5 as the "Insiders." But whatever we call this self-perpetuating elitist group, it is apparently fundamentally significant in the determination of world affairs, at a level far behind and above that of the elected politicians.Length: 54min.
"Nazis-the Occult Conspiracy I"
"Nazis-the Occult Conspiracy II" is a Discovery Channel documentary about how the Hitler and the Nazis used Teutonic pagan rituals, Hindu mysticism, Astrology and other occult practices to fashion a philosophy and belief system that would possess the mind and spirit of the German people to generate a political and military force necessary to support globalism and global conquest.
This video reveals the plans of the international bankers to dominate the entire world both economically and politically. This charge is validated by video clips from C-SPAN, showing David Rockefeller, Vice President Dick Cheney, Secretaries of State Madeleine Albright & Warren Christopher describing what they have in mind for the U.S. and the rest of the world, as well.